[icon_text box_type=»normal» icon=»fa-paper-plane» icon_type=»normal» icon_position=»top» icon_size=»fa-2x» use_custom_icon_size=»no» title=»TOYS» text=»This is my passion, I like to design toys that kids can have fun while they are discover their own world.» icon_color=»#00ddcf» title_tag=»h3″ title_color=»#000000″]
[icon_text box_type=»normal» icon=»fa-bicycle» icon_type=»normal» icon_position=»top» icon_size=»fa-2x» use_custom_icon_size=»no» title=»PRODUCTS» text=»I like to design products that people enjoy using, to make fun their daily life and being part of their lifestyle.» icon_color=»#00ddcf» title_tag=»h3″ title_color=»#000000″]
[icon_text box_type=»normal» icon=»fa-paint-brush» icon_type=»normal» icon_position=»top» icon_size=»fa-2x» use_custom_icon_size=»no» title=»ILLUSTRATION» text=»Even if I not an illustrator, I always like to draw what its in my mind, specially a kind of monsters. In the future I would like to make a collection.» icon_color=»#00ddcf» title_tag=»h3″ title_color=»#000000″]


[q_team team_image=»15544″ team_name=»Vivian Suárez» team_position=»Toy designer / Industrial Designer» team_social_icon_1=»fa-facebook» team_social_icon_1_link=»https://www.facebook.com/Vlis-design-155386587906815/?fref=ts» team_social_icon_2=»fa-linkedin» team_social_icon_2_link=»https://es.linkedin.com/in/vlisdesign» team_social_icon_3=»fa-pinterest» team_social_icon_3_link=»https://es.pinterest.com/vivis90/» box_border=»no» show_separator=»no»]

As a child I was always very curious and active. I remember my childhood with a pair of scissors in one hand and a pencil in the other. My favorite game was to build things in order to play with my brother, to transform a box into a rocket or a hanger into a sword. Maybe these were my first steps to become a toy designer

After making some kids’ projects and having worked in this area, I defined that designing for children is like giving the kids a world of possibilities where they can be actors and authors of their own game, and at the same time develop their physical and emotional skills.

For me, designing is not only my profession but a fundamental part of my life, is something I do because I enjoy it, and because I feel passionate about it. That is why I believe who I am is reflected in my designs, each of my projects is related to something about myself.

I consider myself creative, youthful, and willing to rule the world to make my dreams come true. If I could define myself in just one word, it would definitely be: dreamer.

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